Hand Cream + Foot Cream


It’s easy to overlook the importance of moisturized hands and feet. Here’s what I’m currently using at nighttime. I tend to switch it up often, especially the hand creams!

Hand Cream


First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration is actually an all purpose kind of moisturizer. They advertise it to be used from “head-to-toe.” I probably only tried it as a facial moisturizer a handful of times, but I always found myself going back to Clinique for my face. Basically, my face loves Clinique, but anyway… FAB Ultra repair cream is one of the best hand creams for dry/itchy skin. I wash dishes and find that sometimes my fingers tend to peel a little and slathering this stuff on every night has been a great remedy. I see more and more of an improvement when it comes to the softness of my hands.

Foot Cream

IMG_4961Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Foot Cream is what I use for my feet, I’d like to say every night, but I’d be lying. I only put this foot cream on once or twice a week just because I’m not always in the mood for it. When I notice any dryness on my feet, I see a huge difference from the moment I put it on to the very next day. This is a very concentrated formula so a little goes a long way. I would never put this on during the day time since it’s so thick. Smooth feet is all a girl wants for sandals and flipflops during summertime, no?

Thank you for reading!

What is your favorite hand cream? Foot cream?

17 thoughts on “Hand Cream + Foot Cream

  1. The FAB cream is on my wish list! Though recently I have been loving the Vasaline 10x lotions, they are some of the best I have found 🙂


  2. Whoa whoa whoa – I might be out to lunch, but I had no idea a Norwegian Formula foot cream even existed! I’m OBSESSED with the Neutrogena hand cream in the winter!! Need to check this out because I seriously need a new foot cream that works wonders!!!!!!!! You’re introducing me to many products I’m unaware of as of late! 🙂

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    • I’m so so glad that I can introduce you to new products! And I’m extra happy when I hopefully find that you love them as much as I do! 🙂 Let me know how you like it if you do end up getting the Norwegian Formula.

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