Manicure Monday: Coral and Mint 3D Dotticure


Tools Needed: Dotting tool

On one of my previous nail art posts, I asked if anyone wanted to put in suggestions/requests for a nail art design they wanted me to do. This was a request from one of my blogger friends Marika, from Glimmering Darling, to do a Mint and Coral manicure. I added dots for more texture to make it look 3D. Let’s get started!

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on the 3D Dotted nails:

IMG_27211. Start with a base coat to protect your natural nail bed.
2. Paint alternating nails two different colors with your base colors until they are opaque.
3A. With your dotting tool, in the middle of the mint nails, dot on coral dots from the cuticle to the tip of the nail.
3B. Repeat Step 3A on the coral nails with mint dots.
4. Paint black smaller dots onto every dot.
5. Only on the mint nails, starting with the dot closest to the cuticle, alternate coral and black dots to fill in the row and every row until the nail is filled with dots.

IMG_27226. If there is a coral dot, put a small black dot on top. If there is a black dot, put a small coral dot on top.
IMG_27237. Once the manicure is done, seal the nail art design with a quick drying top coat. This will make the nail look shiny and the design last longer.

Mint, coral and black — I got a retro/vintage vibe while painting these, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was that I was seeing.


List of Products:
Butter London Nail Foundation Flawless Base Coat
Butter London Hardwear P.D. Quick Top Coat
Julie G Bikini
Julie G Black Sheep
Revlon Minted

I’d love to see your manicure. If you end up trying this nail look out, show/tag me on Instagram using the hashtag #iidoydoyii

28 thoughts on “Manicure Monday: Coral and Mint 3D Dotticure

  1. OH MY GOD! This is perfect!! I absolutely love the colors – this mani has a retro summer feel to it! Gorgeous, Joy!


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