Tag Tuesday: The Beauty Blogger Award

The lovely Pores for Thought nominated me for The Beauty Blogger Award. Please click her blog name so you can see her post and answers!

The Beauty Blogger Award Rules:

1) State the name of the blogger that nominated you.
2) Answer the questions you were given.
3) Nominate 10 people whose blog is about beauty or fashion.
4) Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5) Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.

Pores for Thought’s Questions:

(1). What is your favourite high-end brand? It might be Hourglass! I’m dying to get their ambient lighting palette.

(2). Are there any beauty products you always prefer to splash out on? Does Clinique skincare count as beauty products? Because I would give an arm and a leg since they make my skin so soft and smooth.

(3). If you could only use 3 makeup products for the rest of your life, what would they be? Concealer, powder, and brow mousse.

(4). Contouring Kardashian style: Yay or Nay? Yay but only for going out at night when you’re gonna be in a dimly lit club.

(5). What beauty/fashion trend would you banish forever? Kimonos, although some people can pull it off.. Some.

(6). If you could bring one fashion/beauty trend back, what would it be? Mini denim skirts – because I still have mine!

(7). Trainers of heels? Never heels. I will only pick wedges, never heels.

(8). What’s your favourite thing about blogging? Getting to write about what I want to write about everyday and talking to other bloggers who, for instance, may not necessarily be a beauty blogger, but they still stop by to drop a comment because they have an interest in beauty as well.

(9). What’s your biggest beauty/fashion regret? Guessing and picking any foundation and thinking, *yea that’s probably my shade!*

(10). If you could meet one designer or beauty guru (dead or living), who would it be? Ingrid Nilsen

I would like to nominate…

Talking about Beauty
Glimmering Darling
Glam with Sam

Styled with Joy’s Questions:

1. Quick! You have 5 minutes to get ready. Describe the makeup look you’d do.

2. Would you rather wear skinny jeans or short shorts for the rest of your life?

3. All time favorite mascara?

4. What do you think of the new trend, strobing?

5. Eye Primer or MAC Paint Pot?

6. Fringe or kimonos?

7. Floppy hat or beanie?

8. Holy grail perfume?

9. Must have Orange lipstick?

10. Holy grail lip balm?

Have fun with the questions! And no worries if you already did this tag 🙂

15 thoughts on “Tag Tuesday: The Beauty Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: The Beauty Blogger Award | fivezero

  2. Pingback: The Beauty Blogger Award 2: Joy Edition | fivezero

  3. Congrats and thanks for the nomination! I shall answer your questions soon… don’t stalk me, bro.
    Brow mousse… which is this? What brand?
    OMG, THANK YOU re: kimonos! Such a horrid trend. Not flattering. They look like they’re walking around in a house coat.
    I don’t think mini denim skirts are ever OUT of style!


  4. Yay so glad you did the post! Loved reading your answers. I agree with you on so many of them. Clinique skincare is definitely always worth a splurge and I’ve been guilty of just picking a foundation up without trying it before xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: The Beauty Blogger Award | stash matters

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