Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

This is a fun tag for me especially because you get to hear about the behind-the-scenes experiences every beauty blogger goes through.

I was tagged by the lovely Bree and you can see her answers here. Bree has a great beauty blog and always has reviews of the latest lippies and other makeup products. Check it out!


1. When did you start your blog?

January 31, 2015

2. Why did you start a blog?

I actually have this story in my About Me section.

My friend was looking at my beauty/makeup/nails Instagram and said that I should start a YouTube channel, and when I said no, my friend suggested to start a blog. I thought it was such a great idea that I am grateful for the little push! My blog is mostly based off my Instagram.

3. When did you start becoming serious about starting a blog?

The moment I had to pick between Blogger vs. WordPress, finding a name and having my friends and family vote on a username, and setting up a twitter and gmail to reflect my IG username.

4. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?

Hours and hours. I don’t know the exact time I spend on it. I don’t have a set schedule for working on  blog posts.

5. What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?

Sometimes I would type up a post and wait days until I could take pictures. Sometimes the lighting is off or I’m not in the mood — a bunch of different factors. Other times, I would have all the pictures set up and ready to go, and all I have to do type up a post. I never do anything at the same time in the same day.

6. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?

Weekends and whenever my baby niece and nephew aren’t banging on my laptop.

7. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?

Having my own blog is like having my own world. I can write whatever I want and whenever I want. I like the freedom of not having so many rules with what I can and cannot post.

8. Where do you see your blog in one year?

Still up and running. Maybe I won’t be posting daily like I am this year, but I would still post weekly.

9. What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?

The people! Some friends actually read posts and talk to me about them. I really love the support. In addition, people I have never met and probably will never meet have been the biggest support. You guys seem to “like” and comment on posts that interest you the most. And to me that is so rewarding, getting to interact with beauty lovers like myself from all around the world, east coast, west coast, UK, Australia, Japan, etc. It’s awesome!

10. What’s your worst makeup/hair habit?

I hate doing my mascara. UGH it is so messy since I have shorter lashes and the mascara ends up hitting my monolids. It’s a big old mess. Yet I know it makes the biggest difference to my appearance makeup-wise. My hair is fine. No problems there.

11. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?

 “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always.”

12. How long do you spend getting ready everyday?

Getting ready ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour. If I take the full hour, it is because I am taking my damn sweet time.

13. What’s your favorite post on your blog?

Oh, let me click through my blog…  I have three! Is that cheating?

I really enjoyed painting for this one: NAILS
I enjoyed showing people how to make a bright lip last all night: MAKEUP
I was most excited in this post when I found out I was in Lucky Brand’s Style Gallery: FASHION

14. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserve more subscribers that they have?

I don’t think it’s fair to point a single blogger out while there are so many deserving blogs out there.

15. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?

Finding a new job.

16. What has been your favorite blogging moment?

My dad knew when I had around nine followers, and he jokingly said, “Soon you’ll be in double digits!” After a few weeks, he asked me again and was impressed with the bigger number.

17. How long does it take to prep for a post?

Tags/awards are way easier to prep for because the ideas are all laid out for you already, and you just have to be yourself and answer fun questions. My nail posts take a lot of prep. I have to practice the nail design, take pictures with each step that I do in bright lighting, and then edit and watermark the photos. After that, I then type up the post to match the pictures. Sometimes I take hours, sometimes I take days. It really depends. I’m very flexible.

18. Are you wearing jeans/ skirt right now or are you wearing pajama bottoms?

Pajama bottoms — It’s actually Saturday morning as I write this post, and I am feeling a little sick. I intend on eating meat and napping.  (Yesterday was a no meat Lenten Friday.)

I tag the following ladies:

1. stashmatters

2. hunnybunnysoph

3. hannahjadefashion

4. thebeautifiedblogger

5. zeenatjaved

16 thoughts on “Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

  1. Haha I can’t have the laptop out with Ava either! Apparently she wants to contribute to my posts as well! Glad you took the time to do this, it’s so interesting to read about everyone’s different blogging styles.


  2. I like your quote, it’s so true.
    Thanks for linking your favourite posts, that NAILS one is fun!
    Good luck with job searching, sometimes it all boils down to timing and luck.
    I’m typing up my responses to this Tag and will be posting later!


    • Thanks for reading! Yea the quote is nice but not always easy to live by. The hearts nail design was probably my favorite because of how it turned out to be three manicures in one 🙂 thank you for the kind words on the job search! I can’t wait to see your answers.


  3. Hey, have you ever tried Tightline mascara by it Cosmetics? It seriously has the THINNEST brush so you can avoid a mess, plus it has all these conditioning agents, such as jojoba oil and peptides in it to help your lashes grow as you wear it! It’s perfection and I think you’d love it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. this was nice getting to know more about you. I’ll get around to doing it too, thankss for tagging my in. Also, I usually have the same issue with mascara, every girls worst nightmare, but I would recommend the L’oreal Telescopic Mascara, it’s got a thin wand so more goes on the lash rather than the lid xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And of course. I wanted to tag you because I like your blog 🙂 I do have that mascara in my stash, unopened. I will look into making that my next mascara, as you are not the first to recommend that thin wand to me! 🙂


  5. Love this! Going to work on mine this week! It’s always fun to read the process behind blogging! Thanks agin for the nomination, Joy! ❤


    • Not everyone knows how hard it is to be a blogger and I think that tag was awesome. I can’t wait to read your answers. Whenever there is an appropriate tag, you are always one of the bloggers that comes to mind. You must know that by now hahah

      Liked by 1 person

      • I love it! Tag away!!! I’m always happy to receive nominations and appreciate that I always come to mind!!!! Thanks for all of your support, Joy! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Confessions of A Beauty Blogger Tag | Hunnybunnysoph

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